- motorcycleawenessmonth.jpg (19.72 KiB) Viewed 2939 times
[flash=]Happy Motorcycle Safety Month![/flash]I guess it's fitting that May has been selected for this recognition, it is the unofficial start of the riding season, and subsequently, the time when those who don't ride year-round dust of their bikes, bring them out of hibernation, and get out on the road.
As we begin to share more of the road with riders of all levels of experience, there will be the inevitable encounters with autos and nature (much fewer, I pray), and since the operator is the single most important piece of safety equipment in/on any vehicle, I'd like to explore that a little further.
So, for my first posting, I'd like to hear from you: What does motorcycle safety mean to you? How do you prepare for a ride? How do you contend with other vehicular traffic? And what safety tips would you like to share with fellow riders?
Thanks, and as always...ride safe.