Connecting Schuberth audio to Nav VI

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Connecting Schuberth audio to Nav VI

Postby rfk757 » Sun Mar 21, 2021 1:35 pm

Hello -I have a Schuberth SC4 helmet and have a SC1A audio system. I have a Garmin Navigator VI on my bike

I am wanting to connect everything together but I do not see the various instructions how I connect them all together to work.

Anyone able to direct me to the appropriate instructions on line, or just tell me what to connect what to what in what order - iPhone to Garmin to Helmet etc ? I cannot find anything that explains the line of hierarchy to me.

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Re: Connecting Schuberth audio to Nav VI

Postby bdimon » Fri Apr 02, 2021 9:40 pm

There are some Youtube videos that might help.

This one is specific to the Nav V:

Good luck.
Bruce Dimon
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