so many people don't know how things work these days. You know how after a time dirt adheres to your wheels that just won't come off? Well, that dirt is what's needed to provide some grip to the wheel weights. Just as a motorcycle will not work if it doesn't have a critical mass of wire ties, you need some of that permanent dirt on your wheels for the weight to stick to. (You do need to clean off the removable dirt, however.) Unfortunately, you need to put the weights back on just where there's no dirt!
Seriously though, my hypothesis is that the mechanic figured they didn't need to do any prep on a brand new cast wheel before sticking the weights on. The wheel probably came out of the mold with some kind of oily/waxy mold release compound on it. So when you get new adhesive, spend some time with alcohol, acetone, or mineral spirits and clean off that clean looking area. It'll probably stick.